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Are you a mortal human in need of basic magic?
These simple summons are eager to please!

Bito is just your average box imp.
Like his peers, he is always on call to get summoned to do whatever simple tasks you need, like an interdimensional handy man!
Bito's grumpy boss.
Always busy and always stressed, but luckily his loyal employees know how to make sure all his needs are met.

Bossmann's right-hand man!
He works up close and personal with the boss to make sure they both finish all the hard work they handle.
Bossmann's left-hand Gal!
Works hard to help 'Bossy relax,
when she's not distracted with her romance novels and soaps.

The Boss of the Boss.
She is always on top of things.
Sector 68
He does a lot of stuff, but rarely gets any work done.

Pin & Kiki
Some say they make a great pair, others say Kiki has a great pair.
Another imp on call for summons, Monna usually gives a kind and gentle touch on her tasks.

He always gives 200%, despite his 50% vision.
Sometimes go by Tab, but don't call her Tabby.

HQ Key Imps

She's in charge of the Archives, if you ever need to know anything she's at the ready to pump you full of knowledge.
A bashful I.T. professional who knows how to push all the right buttons.

Bolt & Socket
Socket is the local mechanic, aided by her mechanical friend Bolt!
[Name Pending]
The supervisor of the I.T. Sector.
He likes to watch.

Vasco & Ava
A pair of GenImps who have been called in to get these BoxImps
in tip-top shape!
Other HQ Friends

Going up?
HQ's trusty elevator operator!
She can ride up and down all day long.
Going down?
HQ's other elevator operator!

[Names Pending]
Helpful desk workers who work hard on the desk, as well as under the desk.
AA helpful creature who lives in the HQ's walls.

The Royals
The top of the stack, these are the BoxImp monarchs!

Haze Imps
Misty minions ready to be summoned for whoever needs a quick army.
They often prefer to wonder instead of going home.
It's usually good policy to send them back to the Haze Realm with a well-placed bop on the noggin.

A GenImp who made it big in the motion pictures!
Most of her fans think she is just a method actor who never gets out of her makeup, but her lovely red complexion is the real deal!
A BoxImp who went rouge and went off on their own.
No one knows what he has been up too, but he has always been a big thinker.

This spooky specter seems to be hiding something....
. . . And more to come!
Other characters

Camila & Altan
A happy couple.
A moody mechanic.

A flirty bard,
who travels far and wide, playing for (and with) some very influential people.
A clerk at a record shop in the local strip mall.
Rumor has it she offers some extra customer services too, if you are in the know.

Tune The Fella
A hitchhiking artist who gets around.
Character Gallery
Bito & BoxImps
Spade & Cali
Camila & Altan
Bito's Box Bash Cast
D&D - Pavi & Javier
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